As market analysts and consultants, Tracy Cross & Associates serves the residential development community with clientele throughout the United States.

Our extensive experience in the homebuilding market enables us to perform as more than just market researchers; we are marketing consultants who are able to marry product to the data that emerges from our research.

Our painstaking examination of market conditions and demographic information enables us to paint a detailed picture of the optimal target market segment that a particular project should address, from their age ranges and income levels to their lifestyle preferences.

We go beyond just collecting data and presenting page after page of statistics. We make those numbers talk and provide insight into the dynamics of the marketplace. Whether evaluating “For Rent” or “For Sale” housing opportunities these insights enable our clients to clearly define a precise position in the marketplace.

How many of these situations sound familiar?

You’ve acquired a promising parcel of land.

How do you determine the site’s best use? Which target market segment will maximize its development potential? What unit types, square footages and price-points best fit that segment? What feature/amenity packages will provide a competitive edge? What mix of models and option variations will generate the greatest volume of incremental sales? And what absorption rates can you expect if you take these steps?

The housing market in your geographic area has matured.

How can you uncover new, untapped opportunities that might not be widely recognized yet? What about new ideas and designs developed in other parts of the country that could be successfully adapted for your local market?

You are concerned that an economic slowdown—or even a recession—looms ahead.

How might a downturn affect the different segments of the residential real estate market and what steps should you take-e.g. adjustments in product lines, price/rent alignments, etc. – that will best position you for that situation?

You are planning to address a new market segment or enter into a new geographic market.

How do you learn the details of that competitive environment? What are the dynamics at work in the new market and where is that market headed?